
Finding one’s way in work and life is a dynamic journey that rarely unfolds in a straight line. It helps to know ourselves well and to find those things that we are passionate about.

We encourage people to “mine for gold” within. Take time to reflect about what you want more of, in life and work. And then tell the story of your vision quest and your journey in your cover letter and resume.

Individual career and organizational success are inextricably linked. For individuals and organizations to thrive, there has to be a mutually “strong fit”. Fit is complex to determine and is not immediately obvious. It requires curiosity, patience and skill for all parties to assess fit. Fit does not exist if one party does not think the fit is “right”.

We offer “thought-partner” services to individuals to assist in a variety of ways, including: career planning; problem-solving in a current role; development of personal and professional awareness and skills such as interviewing. We charge for these services on an hourly basis.

What makes a good resume?

There are many views about resumes and cover letters and strategies for marketing oneself.

We appreciate we are but one voice in a diverse marketplace.

Here are some things that we look for in screening submissions from candidates:

  • A complete work history since high school
  • The dates and years you received degrees and professional certifications
  • The names of the degree-granting institutions/bodies
  • Reasons for gaps in work history: Did you travel the world?
  • A personal style in writing and organizing thoughts that is succinct yet informative and engaging

If you are interested in having your resume on file with us, please forward your resume, in Word format, to